European Social Model and social policies: An institutional formative evaluation
Key words: Lisbon Agenda, labour activation, European governance, LuxembourgProcess Open Method of Coordination (OMC), welfare regimes
European institutions are paramount in the processes of upholding of
the social dimension of the European economies. This article analyses
some of the potentialities and limitations of Europeanisation of the
social dimension which promotes de European Social Model (ESM). An
institutional formative evaluation of such a development is carried out
with the aim of assessing the process of supra-nationalization and of
its advances and restraints. The axiological bases of the ambivalent and
dual character of the ESM, which integrates growth and cohesion, are
regarded as crucial for the combination of both the economic and the
The development of the personal autonomy and attention to dependency social policy in Spain (2007-2009)
Key words: Autonomy, dependency, coordination, subjective right, financing, European Social Model, social benefits, SAAD
We analyse firstly the general context of the European Social Model in
order to understand the main developments and tendencies of long-term
care European systems. Secondly, we describe the Spanish social
protection system for dependency, which started in January of 2007, and
its main institutional pillars. Thirdly, we make a very general approach
and assessment of social protection pillars: accessibility, system of
social benefits, government of the system and financing and control of
the quality of services. We conclude emphasizing the main problems for
the application of this long-term policy that will be formally evaluated
by State in 2010 according to the Spanish law.
Assessment of the impact of 0,52 IRPF program in social action organizations
Keywords: Social intervention, Social Action Third Sector, socioeconomic impact, NGO, volunteering
The program of 0,52 % of Income tax was regulated by Law 33/1987 and it
has been put in practice since 1989. It continues working at present
and its development is taking place in parallel to the expansion of
social action from beginning of the nineties. The program of 0,52 (0,7 %
from 2009), still valid since 1989, is a national and public program
which is strengthening the entities of Social Action Third Sector and
the synergies between the public sector and the social non profit sector
specially in the area of services provision. To reflect such a
development we will start with a historical and institutional
approaching of the program analyzing the most relevant changes in its
main basics. Afterwards, we will analyze the evolution of entities,
programs and amounts granted since it was created in 1989. Finally, we
will focus on the socioeconomic impact of the program on the social
entities without forgetting the limitations of this program.
Minimum Income for Insertion of Spanish Comunidades Autónomas: an overall assessment of their evolution and significance.
Keywords:Minimum Income Guaranteed, social assistance, social inclusion, activation, social policy reforms, social policy assessment
Abstract: The paper carries out an evaluative approach to the Spanish regional programmes of Minimum Income for Insertion (RMI) as a whole. These programmes offer a means-tested guaranteed minimum income oriented to the social insertion of their beneficiaries. The work starts focusing on the special processes carried on by the Spanish regional governments (CCAA) for the implementation of these programmes and their subsequent trajectories. These processes explain in a great extent the difficulties to accomplish an overall evaluation. By using available evidence (budget effort, intensity and coverage indicators) it is however feasible to assess that the reforms followed by RMI programmes during the last decade have increased their heterogeneity and fragmentation far from improving protection against poverty risks. The conclusion points out that the support and harmonization of RMI protection and the coordination among different stakeholders will improve the fight against poverty and social exclusion in Spain.
Management, coordination and evaluation processes of autonomous communities policies for integration of immigrants
Keywords: Integration policies, immigration, plans, Forums, evaluation, autonomous communities
This article researches the autonomic capacity to build policies for
integration of immigrants. For this reason, the research analyzed the
approaches and implementation of the transversal plans that the
autonomies had on this subject in the period from 2000 to 2005, as those
represent the instruments of realization of these policies. The article
is divided in two parts: the first one analyzes the institutional
network of subjects involved in the integration policies and it shows
that the theoretical models of management -based on the plans- and
decision taking -based on the Forums- are an a priori approach of what
happens in reality. The second part shows that, in practice, the
structure of the coordination and evaluation processes of the plans for
integration of immigrants shows remarkable differences between what have
been planned and the accomplished goals. The autonomic integration
policies are based upon the fact that those Administrations have the
competencies on management, monitoring and evaluation of the raised
actions, but the ability of external influence is limited.