About the Journal

Focus and scope

Cuadernos de Derecho Público (Notebooks on Public Law), which ceased publication in 2009, had the objective of analysing and reflecting on society and public power from the multidisciplinary perspective of the different branches of Public Law. Conceived as an open space for study and thought from an all-inclusive perspective, it was launched in 1997. 

Through its creation, the INAP proposed to meet one of its most prominent targets: the promotion of research in the public sphere. Thirteen years, 36 issues and more than three hundred articles later, it can be said that the goals that inspired the creation of Cuadernos de Derecho Público were fulfilled and the publication consolidated its position in its specialised bibliographic field.

Aside from the open-ended nature of the greater part of its issues, an essential characteristic in its editorial line was the publication of issues with a monographic content coordinated by specialists outside its Editorial Council.

The mere mention of some of its titles gives us an idea of the journal’s interdisciplinary vocation: The Principle of Proportionality, The Application of the Constitution through Ordinary Jurisdiction, The Treaty of Nice, Economy and Revenue in the Constitution, The Public Prosecutor's Office, Data Protection, Legal Security and Application of Law, Land Law and Corruption.

With the same sense of purpose that in the past presided over its creation, the INAP sought to make an in-depth study of the criteria of requirements applied in the most widely recognized scientific publications in order to place it at the highest level of the scientific journal rankings. Thus, it adopted, among others, the criterion of selecting originals through anonymous peer evaluation.

The number 38, issued in the last four-month period of 2009, was the last published. However, all issues published can still be consulted through its electronic version.