Use of inclusive language

Recommendations on the use of inclusive language

The journals published by the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública endorse the CSIC guidelines on inclusive language, which can be consulted here: and are summarised in the following points:

  • Research will use inclusive language, free of prejudices associated with race, people with disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, ideology or socio-economic status.
  • Expressions that stigmatise or discriminate against groups of people shall be avoided.
    Negative expressions and condescending terminology shall be avoided in the specific case of people with disabilities.
  • With regard to race, comparisons between groups, essentialisms or references to minorities are discouraged.

For the use of inclusive language in English texts, it is recommended to consult the APA's Inclusive Language Guide.

Recommendations for an egalitarian and non-sexist use of language (only applicable to articles in spanish)

The Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública is highly committed to promoting gender equality and offers a series of RECOMMENDATIONS to authors, editors, evaluators and readers of INAP’s journals with the aim of guiding them on how to represent the different genders in an egalitarian way. These recommendations are based on responsible source such as the Guía para un uso igualitario y no sexista del lenguaje y de la imagen en la Universidad de Jaén (Susana Guerrero García).