The control of legality and the suspension of agreements of the territorial entities by the State


  • Andrés Morey



Legality control, State model, Autonomous State, Local Management


SUMMARY: I. Introduction. — II. The regulation prior to the 1978 Constitution. — III. Regulation from the 1978 Constitution: 1. The question in the constitution. 2. The legal and regulatory regulation: A) Transfers to pre-autonomous entities and the autonomous communities. B) Post-constitutional legal and regulatory provisions: a) Legal challenges, b) Direct control by the State, c) Suspension of agreements. — IV: The Sentences of the Constitutional Court in order to the subject: 1. The basic budgets. 2. Incidence of the Judgments in the current regulation. — V. The current Draft Law on the Bases of Local Administration: 1. Legality control itself. 2. Other issues related to the control of legality: A) Applicable state legislation. B) Shared competences. C) State powers. — VI conclusions on the state of the question in general: 1. Regarding the autonomous communities. 2. Regarding local authorities.


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How to Cite

Morey, A. (1982). The control of legality and the suspension of agreements of the territorial entities by the State. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (214), 239–272.