The coexistence in the schools and its relationship to the Law. Juridical offers to improve the climate in the classrooms and the quality of the education


  • Alejandro González-Varas Ibáñez Universidad de Zaragoza (España)



Law, coexistence in schools, responsibility, families cooperation


This article argues the main features of the peaceful coexistence in the schools and its relationship to the Law. It pays attention to the definition of violence and bullying which is given by the rules. This work exposes their consequences for the members of the school, as well as the civil responsibility of parents and schools. It also identifies the relationship between the classroom atmosphere and the education quality. It let us examine the educational politics developed by the Public Administrations –mainly the Spanish Autonomous Communities or Regions– in order to get a better coexistence in the schools and the education quality. It focuses on the recent rules about teachers’ authority, and on the need of the families making an effort to give a good education to their children, and their cooperation with schools and teachers.


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Author Biography

Alejandro González-Varas Ibáñez, Universidad de Zaragoza (España)

Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de León con la obtención del Premio Extraordinario de Fin de Carrera. Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Vigo. Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Bolonia, tras la obtención de una de las Becas del Real Colegio de España. Ha desempeñado cargos docentes en las Universidades de Vigo y Complutense de Madrid. En la actualidad es Profesor Titular de Derecho eclesiástico del Estado en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Ha publicado libros sobre los derechos educativos como: Confessioni religiose. Diritto e scuola pubblica in Italia –insegnamento, culto e simbologia nelle scuole pubbliche in una società plurale (Bolonia, 2005). Ha sido becario del Gobierno de Canadá, e impartido docencia en varias universidades europeas.



How to Cite

González-Varas Ibáñez, A. (2014). The coexistence in the schools and its relationship to the Law. Juridical offers to improve the climate in the classrooms and the quality of the education. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (1), 13–44.