Strategy of development of the Zone North of the State of Jalisco from the institutional perspective
Development, regional development institutions, region, Northern State of JaliscoAbstract
The regionalization process in Jalisco occurred in the nineties leading to the decentralization of regions and formulating a regional development plan for each of them. Currently, despite the measures taken to establish regional plans, it appears that there are disparities in regional development, being the most affected, the North Zone of the State. The aim of this paper is to analyze a key factor, the ratio of the institutions with the development of the Northern region of the State of Jalisco, with a brief analysis of the role of institutions from economic, political and social perspectives. The method used is a review of the existing literature on institutional theory and the development of the Northern Zone of State. It concludes by stating as a strategy to promote the development, evaluation and strengthening of the institutions involved in this process.
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