New Legal Regime for Local Public Services, Following Act no. 27/2013, of 27 december, Rationalization and Sustainability of Local Government


  • Iñigo del Guayo Castiella Universidad de Almería (España)



Mandatory local services, management of local services, essential reserved services


The original version of the Local Administration Act of 1985 and its development of 1986 did not establish a clear distinction between local competences, local public services and reserved essential services. The reform carried out in 2003 provided some clarity, but not excessive. This article analyses the reforms undertaken in the field of local public services by Act No 27, of 27 December 2013, on the rationalization and sustainability of local government: the list of minimum municipal services is amended; the role of Province Governments in managing these minimum services is reinforced; changes in the forms of managing services are introduced; it amends the provision relating to local economic initiative and local reserves; by local authority does not meet its financial obligations it must arrange an integrated or coordinated management of mandatory services provided local authorities, in order to reduce costs; and it imposes upon Local Governments the obligation to determinate the effective costs of the services by 1 November each year.


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Author Biography

Iñigo del Guayo Castiella, Universidad de Almería (España)

Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo en la Universidad de Almería. Es especialista en materia de Derecho Público Económico y Regulación Económica y, en particular, Derecho y Regulación de la Energía. En estas materias es autor de numerosas publicaciones. Es miembro del Academic Advisory Group de la Section on Energy, Environmental, Resources and Infrastructure Law de la International Bar Association. En esa condición es autor de siete capítulos en siete correlativos volúmenes en la serie sobre Derecho de la Energía de la Oxford University Press. Es editor y coautor de las dos primeras ediciones (2001 y 2007) del libro Energy Law in Europe, también de la Oxford University Press.



How to Cite

del Guayo Castiella, I. (2014). New Legal Regime for Local Public Services, Following Act no. 27/2013, of 27 december, Rationalization and Sustainability of Local Government. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (2), 9–26.