The Service Concession new object of Community Law Regulation. Directive 2014/23/UE de 26th february 2014 on the award of Contract Concession


  • Francisca Villalba Pérez Universidad de Granada (España)



Concession of services, economic crisis, directive on concessions, risk of the concessionaire, modification of the concession


In view of the economic difficulties provoked by the current context of crisis, the European Union, in order to reinforce the innovative, environmental and social aspects of the services of general interest, supporting his continuity with certain degree of quality, has reacted approving a set of measures that try to increase the efficiency of the public expenditure guaranteeing the best results in terms of relation quality / price. One of them has been the Directive on the adjudication of the contracts of concession that will be the object of study of this paper.


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Author Biography

Francisca Villalba Pérez, Universidad de Granada (España)

Profesora titular de derecho administrativo de la Universidad de Granada (catedrática acreditada), viene desarrollando su labor investigadora fundamentalmente a través de tres líneas de investigación: contratación pública, gestión de servicios públicos, y derecho sanitario, que suelen constituir habitualmente el objeto de estudio de su producción científica. Junto a su labor docente e investigadora en la actualidad desempeña el cargo de coordinadora del programa oficial de doctorado en ciencias jurídicas de la Universidad de Granada.



How to Cite

Villalba Pérez, F. (2014). The Service Concession new object of Community Law Regulation. Directive 2014/23/UE de 26th february 2014 on the award of Contract Concession. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (2), 79–98.