Brief considerations on the acquisition of works of art in the European regulation of public contracts


  • Pierpaolo Forte Università degli studi del Sannio (Italia)



Public procurement, acquisitions, art


The work, renouncing to a precise definition of art, acknowledges that there are art objects and cultural objects, which, in this way, are relevant also in legal terms, and try to advance some reflections on the relevance of art in relation to the European discipline of public contracts and, in particular, what can be deduced from Directive 2014/24 / EU, which can well be understood as a sort of cultural sign that can provide insights into how art is perceived in Europe, even in political terms, in this historical phase. The paper therefore examines the use of negotiated procedures without prior publication of a contract notice, for the «creation or acquisition of a unique work of art or artistic performance», and to do so faces the problem of the object of the procurement by “contracting authorities” which deals with things or performances (works, supplies or services) relating to artistic products, by examining the needs which a public administration may have in relation to obtaining the availability of a work of art, and the different modes of this type of acquisition. Finally, the study examines the theme of «art exhibitions», trying to prove that they are autonomous objects, which are represented in the European directive under the diction «artistic performance».


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Author Biography

Pierpaolo Forte, Università degli studi del Sannio (Italia)

Pierpaolo Forte (Nápoles, 1965), es Profesor habilitado ordinario de Derecho Administrativo, en posición como profesor asociado en la Università degli studi del  Sannio en Benevento (Italia), donde enseña Derecho Administrativo e Instituciones de Derecho Público. Autor de una cincuentena de publicaciones científicas, ha sido, entre otras cosas, asesor legal en el Ministerio de Patrimonio y Cultura italiano, experto en la Presidencia de el Consejo de Ministros italiana, miembro de la Conferencia Regional sobre Contratos y Concesiones en la región de Campania, director científico del Consorcio Interuniversitario ALMALAUREA, miembro de la comisión técnica del Consorcio Interuniversitario CINECA, director de la Fundación Maggio Musicale Fiorentino de Florencia, de la Fundación CIVES, que dirige el Arqueológico Museo virtual (MAV) en Ercolano y de la Fundación Antonio Morra Greco de Nápoles.Actualmente es Presidente de la Fundación Donnaregina de Arte Contemporáneo, que dirige el Museo MADRE de Nápoles, miembro del Consejo de la Superintendencia de Pompeya y miembro del comité directivo de Federculture y de Ravello Lab - conversaciones internacionales.Sus estudios se refieren principalmente a la cultura, los contratos públicos, las formas de gobierno local, las fundaciones públicas, la relación entre la política y la administración pública.


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How to Cite

Forte, P. (2017). Brief considerations on the acquisition of works of art in the European regulation of public contracts. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (8), 97–115.