Local government intervention in housing for tourist use through urban zoning: requirements and consequences





Collaborative economy, tourist accommodation, tourist and housing economy, urban environmental planning and zonification, urban administrative authorization, freedom to provide services


Originally based on collaborative forms of economy not guided by the search of profit, in recent years a new model of tourism services known such as “tourist accommodation” or “tourist housing” has emerged. This model is orientend to residential housing and owners that, through digital services, is offered for touristic purposes. As economic activity with great social acceptance, nevertheless it is generating numerous conflicts related, for example, to the urban environment. The Autonomous Communities in the exercise of their competences in the tourism framework have approved regulations that limit this activity. On the other hand, the municipalities in the exercise of their urban competences are carrying out a major control and limitation of the activity through of zonification and locating this type of housing in specific areas of the city. This paper analyzes the legal perspective of this topic and how this type of measures and businesses are being development.


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Author Biography

Estanislao Arana García, Universidad de Granada (España)

Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Granada. Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo en la Universidad de Granada. Principales líneas de investigación: Derecho Urbanístico y Ambiental, Derecho Administrativo Económico, Derecho de Aguas.


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How to Cite

Arana García, E. (2018). Local government intervention in housing for tourist use through urban zoning: requirements and consequences. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (10), 6–21. https://doi.org/10.24965/reala.v0i10.10545