Analysis of the Spanish reduction in the Inheritance and Gift Tax for the acquisition mortis causa of the main residence of the deceased




Inheritance and Gift Tax, main residence, reduction in the tax base


The main scope of this study is the analysis of the reduction in the tax base of the Inheritance and Gift Tax for the acquisition mortis causa of the main residence of the deceased. Apart from evaluating its viability, State and regional regulations will be analysed, trying to highlight the different problems encountered and questioning the position of Spain’s Supreme Court in some aspects. Finally, a new formulation of its reduction will be provided.


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Author Biography

Irene Rovira Ferrer, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (España)

Irene Rovira es Licenciada en Derecho (Univseritat Pompeu Fabra, 2006) i Doctora en Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento, especialidad en Derecho Financiero y Tributario (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2010). Actualmente es Profesora Agregada de Derecho Financiero y Tributario en la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya y sus principales líneas de investigación se circunscriben en los derechos y deberes de los obligados tributarios, la imposición directa y la fiscalidad autonómica y local.



How to Cite

Rovira Ferrer, I. (2019). Analysis of the Spanish reduction in the Inheritance and Gift Tax for the acquisition mortis causa of the main residence of the deceased. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (11), 122–138.