Autonomous-Community competences in the field of housing versus State competences of a transversal nature in recent Constitutional jurisprudence




Housing, expropriation, transversal competences, regional competences


This study approaches the issue of the constitutionality, from a jurisdictional perspective, of the normative measures adopted by Autonomous Communities to enforce the right to housing in compliance with article 47 of the Constitution. This study has required the critical appraisal of the recent pronouncements made by the Constitutional Court on the incidence of certain State competences of transversal nature on housing, an area which had been reserved by the Autonomy Statutes as exclusive competence of Autonomous Communities.


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Author Biography

Maria Antonia Arias Martínez, Universidad de Vigo (España)

Profesora Titular de Derecho Administrativo en la Universidad de Vigo. Investigadora en proyectos I+D financiados en convocatorias públicas nacionales y/o internacionales cuya temática se refiere principalmente a Derecho autonómico, derecho local y derechos sociales. Sobre dichas materias versan los trabajos objeto de sus publicaciones en distintas obras colectivas y en diferentes revistas científicas especializadas (REDA, RAP, RGDA, DA, etc.).



How to Cite

Arias Martínez, M. A. (2019). Autonomous-Community competences in the field of housing versus State competences of a transversal nature in recent Constitutional jurisprudence. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (11), 106–121.