The Reform of the Public Administration in the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRPP)




NRRP, Italy administration, reform, recruitment, simplification, competence


The Italian NRRP, approved on 13 July 2021 by the Council of the European Union, provides for the realization of 134 investments, to be financed with the massive funds available to Italy under the NGEU, which amount to 235.1 billion euros (including 30.6 billion from a national fund). The PNRR includes 63 reforms, two of which have a «horizontal» character, as they refer to all the missions into which the Plan is divided: those of the public administration and the judiciary. In particular, the administrative reform concerns four subjects: the recruitment of personnel, the simplification of procedures, the improvement of employees’ skills and their enhancement; the digitalization. The forecasts of the PNRR on increasing administrative capacity have already received substantial implementation in legislation, especially as regards human resources. The success of the projects envisaged by the NRRP should lay the foundations for a wider transformation and innovation of the Italian administrative system, overcoming the present shortcomings.


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Author Biography

Gianfranco D'Alessio, Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Italia)

Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo en la Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Presidente o miembro de comisiones de reforma y órganos de control y evaluación en administraciones y organismos nacionales, regionales y locales. Autor de numerosos libros, ensayos y artículos principalmente en las materias de la organización y gestión administrativa y del empleo público.


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DIPARTIMENTO DELLA FUNZIONE PUBBLICA, Ri-formare la PA. Persone qualificate per qualificare il Paese. Piano strategico per la valorizzazione e lo sviluppo del capitale umano della Pubblica amministrazione, su

EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Recommendation on the 2019 National Reform Programme of Italy, su

EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Recommendation on the 2020 National Reform Programme of Italy, su

EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Guidance to Member Recovery and Resilience Plans, su

FPA, Lavoro pubblico 2021, su

GOVERNO ITALIANO, Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza, su

MINISTERO DELL’ECONOMIA E DELLE FINANZE – RAGIONERIA GENERALE DELLO STATO, La risposta delle Istituzioni europee alla pandemia di Covid-19. Il programma NGEU e i Piani nazionali, Roma, dicembre 2021, su

Relazione sullo stato di attuazione del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza, 23 dicembre 2021, su

Semplificazione per la ripresa: Agenda 2020-2023, su



How to Cite

D’Alessio, G. (2022). The Reform of the Public Administration in the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRPP). Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (17), 109–122.