Evolution of the institutional system as a self-government parameter. In particular, the organizational framework in Castilla and Leon
Institutional regional model of the state, Decentralization, Institutional system, Castilla and LeonAbstract
Along with recognized competence level and strengthened by adequate funding, it is probably the institutional framework in the service of an autonomous self-government of the variable most clarifying the extent and quality of their political autonomy. The three reforms operated on the Statute of Autonomy of Castilla y León, the last under the Organic Law 14/2007 of November 30th, have channeled a significant extension of powers and institutional framework of the Community, contributing to the time since this part of the State of its particular contribution to the territorial model. This paper analyzes the institutional and organizational realities of Castilla y Leon, from the perspective of the last statutory reform, but without forgetting the historical context in which it has gestated and rooted.