
Founded in 1958, the journal Documentación Administrativa is one of the most important journals on Administrative Law and Administrative Science in Spain. Throughout these decades, it has reflected in its pages the debates on the reform or transformation of the Public Administration through works of great quality.

Currently, with a biannual periodicity, it offers an ideal space for the publication of research papers on public employment, administrative structures, public ethics and good governance, and the current situation could not be more motivating due to the proposals contained in the document Consensus for an Open Administration and the initiatives envisaged in the Annual Regulatory Plan of the General State Administration for 2024.

Publishing in Documentación Administrativa is also an opportunity due to its strong impact and visibility, evident from its positioning in the first decile of the disciplines of Law, Administrative Law and Political Science in DIALNET METRICS, the outstanding and growing number of downloads of its articles on the journal's platform and the high number of citations it receives in Scholar, Scopus, Dimensions and Social Science Citation Index (WOS).

In addition, INAP's commitment to open science involves the open publication of its contents in various formats, as well as a very active dissemination on various platforms, repositories and databases, which is aligned with the guidelines issued by the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), the agreements and principles of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), Law 17/2022, of 5 September, which amends Law 14/2011, of 1 June, on Science, Technology and Innovation, and Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March, on the University System.

Therefore, those interested in publishing articles on current challenges in public employment -generational replacement and transmission of knowledge, digitalisation, public managers, selection processes, talent management, etc.- can send their work over the next two months for assessment. Papers oriented to the analysis of the most recent innovations in Public Administration and public employment will be considered as a priority to further stimulate the debate on reforms.