Conceptual definition of the principle of objectivity: objectivity, neutrality and impartiality




Neutrality, objectivity, impartiality, Public Administration


In this work we deal with the conceptual delimitation of the following categories: neutrality, objectivity and impartiality. The neutrality is a prohibition of political nature which acts imposing on the civil servant the duty of collaboration with any Government, independently of the political option which has formed it. The objectivity is the characteristic way of the interpretation and observance of the Law by the Administration, which acts imposing on the civil servant the duty of dispensing with any kind of aim or subjective interest in such interpretation and observance. The impartiality of the Administration, to such an extent that the Administration must keep watch over fulfilling the general interests, it does not exist in itself; the impartiality identifies with the objectivity and the good appearance of the Administration. Lastly, we think about the appearance of independent administrative authorities in the context of an impartial, objective and neutral Public Administration.


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Author Biography

Francisco Manuel García Costa, Universidad de Murcia (España)

Es profesor contratado Doctor de la Universidad de Murcia. Es mención de honor en los Premios Nacionales de Terminación de Carrera, Doctor europeo por la Universidad de Bolonia y Doctor Honoris Causa por el Instituto mexicano de Victimología.



How to Cite

García Costa, F. M. (2013). Conceptual definition of the principle of objectivity: objectivity, neutrality and impartiality. Documentación Administrativa, (289).