The relationship between different levels of government in Italy. Inspirations from the Spanish debate on local government




Local self-government system, Italy-Spain comparison, decentralization, federalism, economic crisis


The analogies between Spain and Italy affect the hole structure of the local government. From the point of view of the organizational structure, the two countries certainly have many elements in common, especially for what concerns the difficult balance between State and local autonomies. The wide convergences between Italy and Spain in relation to the territorial phenomenon do not mean, however, that the overall assessment must necessarily be the same. As the economic crisis eased, in Italy the State has lost much of the importance it had acquired thanks to the management of the emergency. It is inevitable to suppose that the popular rejection of the constitutional reform proposal, in 2016, will force to rethink the entire Italian territorial system, and to reinsert in the public agenda terms gradually out of the political lexicon, such as decentralization, autonomy, federalism.


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Author Biography

Gianluca Gardini, Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italia)

Profesor de Derecho Administrativo y Derecho Público de la Información en la Universidad de Ferrara. Actualmente es Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Ferrara; Profesor estable de Derecho Administrativo en la Escuela de Postgrado en Estudios de Administración Pública (S.P.I.S.A.) de la Universidad de Bolonia; Director Científico de la Revista Le Istituzioni del Federalismo; Defensor del Pueblo de la región de Emilia Romagna. Fue Presidente de 2008 a 2013 del Comitato Regionale delle Comunicazioni (CORECOM) dell’Emilia Romagna.


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How to Cite

Gardini, G. (2020). The relationship between different levels of government in Italy. Inspirations from the Spanish debate on local government. Documentación Administrativa, (6), 103–113.