Women leadership for an innovative public administration





Innovation, public administration, leadership, equality, women


This article focuses on the new leadership formulas that public administration demands in order to address our complex social problems from a collaborative and innovative perspective and based on a gender approach. Thus, starting from the analysis of the position currently held by women in the public sector worldwide and in Spain, the article delves into the differences between the leadership exercised by women and men, and how their attitudes towards innovation and their management fits with today's challenges. The main ideas obtained from the previous theory analysis are contrasted with the vision of five Spanish women public managers, interviewed in depth during the research. The conclusions of the study focus on the new trends in women leadership within the public sector, characterized by "soft" skills that are especially valuable for innovation, as well as the presence of support networks among women that are essential for their promotion and visibility.


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Author Biographies

Encarna Hernández Rodríguez, Fundación NovaGob (España)

Doctora en Ciencia Política y de la Administración Pública por la Universidad de Murcia. Investigadora sénior de la Fundación NovaGob. Autora, docente y consultora especializada en innovación pública, gobierno abierto y estrategia de redes sociales digitales. 

Loredana Stan, Fundación NovaGob (España)

Directora de la Fundación NovaGob. Politóloga y Scrum Master (PSM I). Consultora, formadora e investigadora en innovación pública, en los ámbitos de metodologías y herramientas de innovación, ecosistemas y laboratorios de gobierno para la innovación pública.


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How to Cite

Hernández Rodríguez, E., & Stan, L. (2023). Women leadership for an innovative public administration. Documentación Administrativa, (9), 26–42. https://doi.org/10.24965/da.11138