The new against the road safety: A simple of the criminal law administration




Road Satety, Drink alcohol, Do not a non bis in idem tests, Intoxications, Sanctioning Administrative Law


This article examines in a detailed way the in force regulation relative to the administrative sanction of the conduction under the effects of the alcohol, spreading also to the punishable conduct consisting of refusing to submit to the blood alcohol level test. This analysis is done bearing in mind very the doctrine of the Constitutional Court on these administrative types and especially in his penal manifestation, and that of the ordinary Jurisdiction especially on the way of proceeding in the practice of the blood alcohol level test. This thesis is that the recent legal reform of 2009 of the Road Security Law and before in 2007 of the Penal Code has tried to clarify and to define with a relative success and success the scopes administrative sanctioning and penal that until the date fell on the same conducts (to lead under the alcohol effects and to refuse to be put under blood alcohol level test), and that they had the effects to reduce the administrative sanctioning file to previous diligence of the penal procedure. The maintenance of the generic type of danger in the Penal Code and the administrative and at the same time penal sanction of the refusal crime to be put under blood level test they have frustrated the pretension that the Sanctioning Administrative Law acquired the anatomy and relevance wished with the reform.


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Author Biographies

Ignacio Villaverde Menéndez, Universidad de Oviedo (España)

Es doctor en Derecho, catedrático acreditado de Derecho constitucional y profesor titular de Derecho constitucional en la Universidad de Oviedo. Actualmente es Director de la Asesoría Jurídica del Ayuntamiento de Gijón. Ha sido letrado del Tribunal Constitucional. Sus líneas de investigación se han centrado en la teoría general de los derechos fundamentales, la libertad de expresión e información, el derecho fundamental a la protección de datos, en la justicia constitucional y en la estructura territorial del Estado, particularmente en los modelos federales.

Belén Cuba Vila, Ayuntamiento de Gijón (España)

Es licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad de Oviedo y abogada. Su estudio del Derecho público e interés por la tutela de los intereses generales la introduce en la Administración pública local y desde 2008 es letrada del Ayuntamiento de Gijón, dedicándose especialmente a la llevanza de asuntos judiciales del orden jurisdiccional contencioso-administrativo y a la labor consultiva en materia de contratos del sector público.



How to Cite

Villaverde Menéndez, I., & Cuba Vila, B. (2009). The new against the road safety: A simple of the criminal law administration. Documentación Administrativa, (284-285).