Competence uncertainty and legal authority of the local entity as an unsuccessful measurement to the replacement of administrative sanctions by community services


  • Cristian Rodríguez Alonso



Constitutional guarantee, community services, Bases Law, competence, local entities, unconstitutional


The enactment of the 1978 Spanish Constitution meant not only the culmination of the democratic transition process, but also the instauration of a new state model built in diverse entities, each one of them with legal personality and competence on its own, that got together under the power of a common territorial base. In the local field, it provided those entities of constitutional guarantee, but left in the hands of the state legislator in which fields they could act; in other words, the scope of their competences in front of the silence of the Constitution. This regulation, then, allows the state legislator to specify the scope, limits, and competences of intervention of the local entities, thus implying that local actions are delimited by both the state and the constitutional regulation. Therefore, even though from the social politics’ point of view it would sound as beneficial for the citizens to impose community services instead of administrative sanctions, saying so, from the current regulation, would meant a rupture of the constitutional principles and guarantees.


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Author Biography

Cristian Rodríguez Alonso

Estudiante del Grado en Derecho por la Universidad de La Laguna y del Grado en Ciencias Jurídicas de las Administraciones Públicas por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Alonso, C. (2017). Competence uncertainty and legal authority of the local entity as an unsuccessful measurement to the replacement of administrative sanctions by community services. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (6), 92–104.