Municipal powers, following the reform operated by Law 27/2013


  • Rafael García Maties Secretario del Ayuntamiento de L’Eliana (Valencia) (España)



Municipal powers, Local Administration, sustainability, rationalization of the Local Administration


Law 27/2013 for the Rationalization and Sustainability of the Local Administration (LRSAL) amended Article 25 of Law 7/1985 of April 2 regulating the bases of local government referring to the powers of the municipalities. Some interpretations, mainly from the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the opinion of the Standing Committee of the State Council from May 22, 2014, maintain that municipalities would not have more power than those resulting from the current regulation of Article 25.2. Others maintain that the new wording does not affect the powers attributed by regulation with the rank of State or Autonomous Law, before its entry into force, even if it is not listed in Article 25.2 LRBRL. The last one is the position that remains in this article.


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Author Biography

Rafael García Maties, Secretario del Ayuntamiento de L’Eliana (Valencia) (España)

Presidente de Musol desde su constitución en 1998. Funcionario con Habilitación Nacional. Subescala de Secretaría Municipal. Categoría Superior en activo, ha sido Secretario de varios Ayuntamientos en la Comunidad Valenciana y ha desempeñado cargos de nombramiento mediante Decreto del Consell de la Generalitat Valenciana tales como Director General de Función Pública y Secretario General de la Consellería de Medio Ambiente. Actualmente es Secretario del Ayuntamiento de L´Eliana (Valencia).



How to Cite

García Maties, R. (2015). Municipal powers, following the reform operated by Law 27/2013. Revista De Estudios De La Administración Local Y Autonómica, (3), 115–128.