El principio de objetividad de la administración





This paper studies the relationship between the principle of objectivity of the administration and the administrative procedure in Spanish law. It begins with a general reflection on the significance of the proceduralization of administrative action as a demand derived from the principle of objectivity, since the very existence of the administrative procedure traditionally has been considered largely a consequence of that principle. Next, it analyses the impartiality of the authorities and public employees responsible for the conduct and resolution of the procedure as the basis of objectivity, the main techniques for integrating public and private interests in the administrative procedure and technical and legal reports and other techniques to acquire the objective foundations of the procedure resolution.


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Author Biography

Luis Míguez-Macho, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)

Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Bolonia (Italia). Profesor titular de Derecho administrativo en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Principales líneas de investigación: Administración local; servicios públicos-servicios sociales; comercio interior; contratación del sector público; Derecho urbanístico.



How to Cite

Míguez-Macho, L. (2013). El principio de objetividad de la administración. Documentación Administrativa, (289). https://doi.org/10.24965/da.v0i289.10066