Self-government and local powers




Local autonomy, local government, local powers, delegated powers


The regime of political autonomy recognized to local corporations resists widely the comparison with the other countries of our environment. The fact that the competences on the local regime is shared between the State and the Autonomous Community has prevented a proper articulation between the different instances of power, without the province have found its own place in the distribution of powers. The 2013 reform failed in its attempt to reduce local powers since the Constitutional Court annulled very important aspects of that reform. The great challenge of the local regime is not to increase their own powers, but to be the ordinary Administration for citizens in the large and medium municipalities through the delegation of powers of the State and the Autonomous Communities.


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Author Biography

José María Baño León, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)

Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Es autor de numerosas publicaciones en el campo del Derecho Público, que abarcan campos tan diversos como la organización territorial del Estado, las fuentes del Derecho, el Derecho Urbanístico, el Derecho de la competencia y el Derecho Público.


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How to Cite

Baño León, J. M. (2020). Self-government and local powers. Documentación Administrativa, (6), 8–15.