Gender equality in the current public context: education and learning as key elements in its achievement
Gender equality, knowledge, learning, public sector and COVID-19Abstract
This article begins by highlighting the importance that knowledge and learning have in the current context to face the enormous challenges that we face as a society. Special emphasis is placed on the impact that COVID-19 has had at all levels, especially as far as the gender issue is concerned, and the setback that has been suffered in this area as a consequence of the pandemic, at the same time. time that highlights the importance of the former as a growth factor.
The main existing strategies and public policies at the European level with a view to achieving gender equality are described below. To then analyze the main manifestations that the principle of equality has in the public sector (state and regional) and the verification of whether said equality is really a reality or an aspiration whose achievement becomes necessary if we want to achieve a more intelligent, sustainable and integrative.
Finally, the role that education and learning have to achieve the principle of equality is analyzed, making special mention of the learning of women and girls in STEM careers as one of the main tools to face the great challenges. that will be presented to humanity in the present and in the future.
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