Workplace learning and knowledge management in the Catalan public administration
knowledge management, critical knowledge, generational changeover, workplace, intergenerational knowledge, informal learning, Public Administration of CataloniaAbstract
Objectives: This monograph aims to describe the main results of a research carried out in the Catalan public administration. The aim of this research focuses on analysing the mechanisms and models of learning in the workplaces of the Department of Justice and Democratic Quality and the Department of Social Rights and Inclusion. Methodology: The relevance of this article lies in its advisory nature. Results: The doctoral thesis aims to highlight the improvement model (phase IV) and the different proposals (lessons learned) put forward by the participants, in order to make visible those aspects that need urgent modification and to be able to accompany public institutions in their process of transformation towards a learning organisation with the design of a technical tool. Conclusions: The analysis of this thesis has made it possible to access future lines of research, to deepen the documentary exploration, to identify the referent authors and new topics, as well as to carry out a preliminary study on the state of the question, in order to continue with the applied phase, that is, with the design of the instruments for collecting information, as well as the presentation of the results obtained.
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