The new disciplinary procedure of traffic
Traffic, Administrative procedure, Infraction, Sanction, Legislation, Spain, 2009Abstract
The new disciplinary procedure of traffic is an article that presents five pretensions or principal aims of the Law 18/2009 based all of them in the attainment of a new disciplinary procedure of traffic. The above mentioned pretensions can be summarized in the following statements: 1. To attend to the massive character of the infraction dossiers in the subject traffic with a specific procedure, different from the general procedure; 2. To minimize the time between the infraction and the sanction: the fast sanction like element of active safety in the driving; 3. To reduce the litigiousness for motives of form, not of bottom; 4. To offer the driver in the disciplinary procedure the rights of electronic access to the public services guaranteed by the Law 11/2007; 5. To bring over the new reality of the “payment for use” from the vehicle to its administrative procedure.