The administrative sanctioning procedure on traffic, traffic of vehicles to engine and road safety matters : The due balance between specialities and common guarantees




Administrative sanctioning procedure, Sanctioning Administration, Traffic, Road Security, Common guarantees of the citizens before the Administrations, Procedural specialities


The own characteristics of the sanctions of traffic, specially its massive character and his fleeting and instantaneous character, justify the adoption of certain procedural specialties, since they can be the early completion of the procedure across the reduction of the quantity of the sanction and determined measures destined to improve the procedure or administrative officer and the exemplary nature of the sanctions that could be imposed. The Law 18/2009, of November 23, has introduced significant innovations in the sanctioning procedure of traffic, in search of a major administrative simplification and of a major efficiency of the Administration, as well as the supplementary character of the Law has underlined 30/1992, of November 26, with regard to these procedures. In any case, the procedural sanctioning specialties as for traffic should not suppose, nevertheless, a decrease or limitation of the common guarantees of the citizens before the public Administrations, but it must go away to a balance that makes compatible the specialties with the guarantees.


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Author Biography

Vicenç Aguado i Cudolà, Universidad de Barcelona (España)

Profesor Titular de Derecho Administrativo, acreditado catedrático, y coordinador del Área de Derecho Administrativo de la Universitat de Barcelona. Es el investigador principal del proyecto I+D+i “Derechos de la ciudadanía, libertad de establecimiento y circulación de servicios en la Unión Europea”, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (DER2009-08579). Es autor de diversas publicaciones sobre procedimiento administrativo, justicia administrativa, policía administrativa, derecho administrativo sancionador, seguridad pública, extranjería e inmigración. Entre sus últimas publicaciones pueden destacarse Derecho de la Seguridad Pública y Privada (Thomson-Aranzadi, 2007), El sistema de serveis socials a Catalunya (Institut d’Estudis Autònomics, 2008) i Servicios sociales, dependencia y derechos de la ciudadanía (Atelier, 2009).



How to Cite

Aguado i Cudolà, V. (2009). The administrative sanctioning procedure on traffic, traffic of vehicles to engine and road safety matters : The due balance between specialities and common guarantees. Documentación Administrativa, (284-285).