The news crimes againts the road safety: a sample of the administration of the criminal law




Dangerousness, security, harm principle, formal offence


Traditionally, the road traffic offences are considered as dangerousness offences. Nevertheless, with the last criminal law reform in this area the legislator mover away from the dangerousness offences to get closer to more formal offences. In this way, the Criminal Law is coming closer so the sanctioning Administrative Law system, forgetting the relevance of some traditional principles in Ius puniendi like the harm principle. The offence of driving at an excessive speed (art. 379.1 CP) and the offence of driving without driving license (art. 384 CP) are two examples of this new Criminal Law orientation.


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Author Biography

Raquel Montaner Fernández, Universidad Pompeu Fabra (España)

Profesora lectora de Derecho penal en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). Entre sus líneas de investigación destaca la atribución de responsabilidad penal individual en la empresa, la delincuencia medioambiental y los delitos contra la seguridad vial.



How to Cite

Montaner Fernández, R. (2009). The news crimes againts the road safety: a sample of the administration of the criminal law. Documentación Administrativa, (284-285).