The merit system as a guarantee of stability and performance in advanced democratic societes


  • Víctor Lapuente Giné Universidad de Gotemburgo (Suecia)



Meritocracy, Quality of government, corruption, career system, OECD countries


This paper summarizes recent theoretical and empirical contributions in social sciences on the relevance of “quality of government” for understanding cross-country differences in citizens’ well-being. The paper explores two types of institutional factors fostering quality of government that have been systematically explored in a large number of studies. In the first place, political factors, and, in particular, how political elites are selected in a country. In the second place, bureaucratic factors, and, in particular, how public employees are selected in a country. One of the most robust findings in this literature is that meritocratic bureaucracy –understood as a non-politicized bureaucracy– has a positive and significant effect on the quality of government in advanced democracies.


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Author Biography

Víctor Lapuente Giné, Universidad de Gotemburgo (Suecia)

Doctor en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad de Oxford. Master of Arts in Social Sciences, Juan March Institute, Madrid. Master in Public Management, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ESADE. En la actualidad trabaja como investigador en la Universidad de Gotemburgo (Suecia) Department of Political Science and Department of Economics. Sus investigaciones abarcan política comparada, reformas en la administración pública y cuestiones relacionadas con corrupción y buen gobierno. Sus trabajos han sido publicados en revistas como European Journal of Political Science, Party Politics, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Governance o Local Government Studies.



How to Cite

Lapuente Giné, V. (2010). The merit system as a guarantee of stability and performance in advanced democratic societes. Documentación Administrativa, (286-287).