The Public Procurement Review Central Administrative Court


  • Juan José Pardo García-Valdecasas Abogado del Estado (España)



Central State Administration, Public procurement, Award, Special review


The publication of Directive 2007/66/EC, of 11 December, of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Directive 1989/665/EEC, of 21 December, was aimed at improving the effectiveness of the review system concerning the award of public contracts. This improvement has, among other things, given rise to the suspension of the contract award procedure until the competent authority has adopted a decision on the issue in question or on the appropriateness of maintaining the procedure suspended. With these changes the Spanish review system needed to either modify the contentious administrative procedure, at least with regard to the suspension of the contested act, or set up a specialised body with jurisdiction to resolve these reviews. The peculiarities of the contentious-administrative procedure and the considerable workload of the courts in this jurisdiction pushed the Spanish legislator to make use of the possibility contained in Directive 89/665/EEC to confer the review procedure on an independent administrative body. This marked the birth of the Public Procurement Review Central Administrative Court and the equivalent bodies set up in the autonomous regions. Their regulatory system should place emphasis on the essential requirement of effectiveness, which, apart from independence, includes the need to establish necessarily brief resolution guidelines. This is the only possible way to balance the need to recognise the claims of appellants whose reviews are upheld with the need to avoid the negative impact on public procurement of prolonging the suspension of the public procurement procedure longer than is reasonable. The article that follows seeks to answer the questions that derive from the issues raised above.


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Author Biography

Juan José Pardo García-Valdecasas, Abogado del Estado (España)

Abogado del Estado desde 1971. Abogado del Estado en diversos organismos, Tribunales y Ministerios tales como el de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo, Fábrica Nacionalde Moneda y Timbre, Caja General de Depósitos, Ministerio de Transportes, Turismo y Comunicaciones, Audiencia Nacional, Ministerio de Justicia y Tribunal de Cuentas. Julio de 2007: Secretario de la Junta Consultiva de Contratación Administrativa. Octubre de 2010: Primer Presidente del Tribunal Administrativo Central de Recursos Contractuales. Entre otras ha participado en la elaboración de disposiciones como la Ley 34/2010, de 5 de agosto por la que se incorporó a nuestro derecho la Directiva 2007/66/CE, de 11 de diciembre, el Real Decreto 817/2009, de 8 de mayo, de desarrollo parcial de la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público o la Ley 24/2011, de 1 de agosto, de Contratos del Sector Público en los ámbitos de la Defensa y la Seguridad. Asimismo es el autor del proyecto de Reglamento General de la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público, aún no promulgado y ha participado en diferentes grupos de trabajo y comités consultivos de la Unión Europea en relación con la materia de Contratación Pública. Autor de diversos artículos y trabajos relacionados con la contratación pública.



How to Cite

Pardo García-Valdecasas, J. J. (2012). The Public Procurement Review Central Administrative Court. Documentación Administrativa, (288).