Appearance and legitimation in the Public Procurement Review Central Administrative Court: with particular regard to nullity of contract cases


  • Manuel Pulido Quecedo Universidad de Navarra (España)



TACRECO, Public-sector contracts, Contentious-administrative jurisdiction, Nullity of contract, Nullity of contract procedure, Special review


Based on the EC’s determination to stamp out illegal awards, this article analyses the nature of the Public Procurement Review Central Administrative Court (whose Spanish acronym is TACRECO), a common body at the service of the Central State Administration and other bodies, as is currently established in article 41.1 of the Consolidated Text of the Law on Public-sector Contracts, approved under Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011, of 14 November (hereinafter referred to as CTLPSC). Its nature of a specialised body which acts with full functional independence in the exercise of its powers also enables it to assess the special reviews arising against the decisions of the competent bodies of the General Council of the Judiciary, the Constitutional Court and Court of Auditors. Specifically, the author analyses the special review concerning public procurement as subject of resolution by the Public Procurement Review Central Administrative Court, and in particular the aspects which have to do with its legitimation and competence, paying special attention to nullity of contract cases. The article concludes with the suggestion that the TACRECO, in its duty to resolve these reviews, establishes itself like the Central Economic Administrative Court (CEAC) in the sphere of the Central State Administration, irradiating and projecting its decisions onto the other bodies to be established.


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Author Biography

Manuel Pulido Quecedo, Universidad de Navarra (España)

Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Navarra en 1979 con Premio Extraordinario de licenciatura. Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Navarra, amplió estudios en la Universidad de Angers (Francia) y en la de Colonia (Alemania). Letrado por oposición del Gobierno de Navarra en 1980 y del Parlamento de Navarra donde ha desempeñado el cargo de Letrado Mayor y Secretario General de la Cámara. Ha sido Letrado en el Tribunal Constitucional (1985-1988) y Asesor Jurídico del Presidente de Gobierno de Navarra (1996-2007), siendo en la actualidad Letrado del Parlamento de Navarra y profesor de Derecho Constitucional en la Universidad de Navarra. Director de la Revista del Repertorio Aranzadi del Tribunal Constitucional (1998- 2009). Es autor de más de trescientos artículos de su especialidad y de diversos libros.



How to Cite

Pulido Quecedo, M. (2012). Appearance and legitimation in the Public Procurement Review Central Administrative Court: with particular regard to nullity of contract cases. Documentación Administrativa, (288).