Gender mainstreaming in times of austerity. An analysis of the Catalan municipalities
Public policies, local government, equality policies, gender mainstreaming, economic crisis, CataloniaAbstract
In this article, the author analyses the implementation of gender mainstreaming in Catalan municipalities. The analysis highlights the difficulties and resistances to introduce gender mainstreaming in the local government and its public policies. Among those obstacles, special attention is given to the negative economic context and how it impacts on gender mainstreaming. Two questions structure this paper: Why the gender mainstreaming is not yet a reality in the Catalan municipalities? What changes need to be triggered and occur in the municipal dynamics for gender equality to be included in all policies? The article is based on the SWOT analysis from empirical data obtained in seven working groups with technical staff of the Catalan municipalities in the province of Barcelona. We argue that the institutional resistances to implement the cross-gender management influence the technical staff and hinder the work from the departments of equality.Downloads
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