The new public activity of promotion: the «Green Nudge» in the current public contracting
Public contracts, public promotion activity, nudge, environmental clauses, transversality, efficiencyAbstract
With the new Law of Contracts of the Public Sector it has passed to use the public contracting for achieving public ends different from the initially foreseen ones, up to the point of generating a probable increase of the price of the contract, in an unknown use, at first, in the public servants. It it is not so much, the obligatiry nature of the incorporation of the environmental, imperative clauses by virtue of specific regulation. In his set one presents an activity of promotion different from the traditionally used one for the Public Administration. Questions that it is inevitable to approach, without losing of sight the dilemma it brings over of the possible breach of the beginning of efficiency that must re-dress the contractual activity of any Administration.
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