Woman and public employment regulation: an approach to expert knowledge in the fields of human resources and public management with gender perspective





Human resources, public employment, integrity, competencies, professional career, public management, training, public administration, equality


Legal, administrative and management framework of public employment forms a highly specialized material field, in which professional and academic qualification, as well as the legal and technical specialization that is developed through scientific research, and also daily professional development, make up key elements of its notorious rise in the different Territorial Public Administrations in Spain over the last two decades.

On the other hand, traditional conceptualization of the field of public employment as a highly masculinized field -in derivation of the high masculinization of political and trade union agents up to that stage- has made it difficult to create spaces for the development, expression and valorization of the professional capacity of women, as well as the dissemination of their expert knowledge.

The purpose of this introductory article is to present to the reader the monographic publication of the Administrative Documentation Magazine on women and public employment, prepared in order to disseminate and make visible the enormous existing expert knowledge on the subject in the different territorial Public Administrations from Spain.


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Author Biography

María Dapena Gómez, Ayuntamiento de Vigo (España)

Licenciada en Derecho. Máster Universitario Oficial en Dirección y Gestión de Recursos Humanos. Diploma en Dirección Pública Local. Especialista Universitario en Administración Local. Alumni de la Universidad de Oxford, Department for Continuing Education. Alumna de la Harvard Kennedy School. Miembro del Consejo Asesor, Harvard Business Review. Miembro de la Association for Talent Development y de la Society for Human Resources Management. Funcionaria de carrera de la Administración Local (Técnico de Administración General, rama jurídica, subgrupo A1). Jefa del Área de Recursos Humanos y Formación del Ayuntamiento de Vigo.


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Gorriti, M. y López, J. (2010). Análisis de puestos de trabajo en la Administración Pública. Instituto Vasco de Administración Pública.

Soriano, A. y Todolí, A. (coords) (2022). Retos jurídicos de la selección y consolidación de personal en el sector público: especial consideración a la normativa contra el abuso de la temporalidad. Editorial Aranzadi, Thomson Reuters España.



How to Cite

Dapena Gómez, M. (2023). Woman and public employment regulation: an approach to expert knowledge in the fields of human resources and public management with gender perspective. Documentación Administrativa, (9), 8–10. https://doi.org/10.24965/da.11174