
The strategic planning of human resources in the Spanish Public Administrations of the 21st century




planning, human resources, job analysis, performance evaluation, selection, career, planned vacancy management


Objectives: The basic objective of this work is to provide a systemic vision of the increasingly necessary planning of human resources in Spanish public administrations. And as specific objectives: to define, describe and justify the necessary tools for such planning. It also justifies the order of the interventions to obtain the necessary data for their analysis and validation. Finally, to describe the necessary evolution of jobs and their consequent total talent management. Methodology: For all this, it uses a refined methodology after many years of interventions and research in the Basque Government. Results: A HR planning. HR in public administrations consists of determining who, how many, where and by which public employees are necessary for public effectiveness as a result of the analysis of citizen demand (strategy). Conclusions: Organising public employment in the twenty-first century requires a flexible conception of organisational structures, overcoming the static conception of RPTs, the monolithic conception of civil service bodies and understanding work more by projects than by positions. The scenario of vacancies due to retirements requires an organizational redesign based on planned vacancy management. The automation of standardized and cognitive processes will generate a floating complexity for those who assume it. Also the definition of strategic profiles that must satisfy it in uncertain scenarios.


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Author Biography

Mikel Gorriti Bontigui, Gobierno Vasco. Dirección de Función Pública. Exresponsable de Recursos Humanos (España – Spain)

Anterior responsable de Recursos Humanos de la Dirección de Función Pública del Gobierno Vasco. Doctor en Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones. Está especializado en materias relacionadas con la función pública desde la perspectiva de los recursos humanos, el diseño organizativo, el análisis de puestos de trabajo, la evaluación del desempeño, la selección y validación de procesos selectivos, la carrera, el liderazgo y la dirección pública profesional.


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How to Cite

Gorriti Bontigui, M. (2024). The strategic planning of human resources in the Spanish Public Administrations of the 21st century. Documentación Administrativa, (publicación anticipada).

