Participatory Water Management in Brazil: Legal, institutional and political aspects (1988 - 2008)


  • Maria Gravina Ogata Manager of Environmental Planning. Salvador de Bahia, Brazil



New Public Management, participatory management, sustainable water management, democracy


The article presents the results of a study that aims to understand and evaluate the performance of the water resources new public policy in Brazil, promulgated by the Federal Law Nº. 9,433, of 8 January 1997, in full observance by the Brazilian State Reform (1995). This policy brings significant innovations in water management, considered by the Federal Constitution of 1988 as a public good, under the control of the Union and the Federated States. The innovative aspect of this policy is the management system, provided by the National and State Water Resources Councils and Water Committees. Participatory management is based on the participation of representatives of Public Power, water users and civil society, who were listened in the interviews. This new policy has been built unevenly throughout the country and reflects the characteristics and peculiarities of each Brazilians region. Thus, the study examines regional experiences in the theoretical approach of concepts related to participatory management and multilevel water governance, with emphasis on the issue of Brazilian federalism. Civil society believes in this form of management of water resources and has high expectations that better results could be obtained with the strengthening of Brazilian democracy. The recovery of citizenship, the participation in the implementation of public policies, the quick deliberation on conflicts about the use of water have been the great gains that society has registered in favor of this new form of managing water resources.


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Author Biography

Maria Gravina Ogata, Manager of Environmental Planning. Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

Obtained a Ph.D. from the Complutense University of Madrid – UCM. Geographer and Lawyer with a Masters in Physical Geography (USP) and PHD in Public Administration (UCM). Has experience in the construction of public policies at the federal, state and municipal areas, as well as starred in the Central American countries, as a consultant (Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras). She worked for nearly two decades in the State Government of Bahia, Brazil, and published several articles in the following areas: Environment, Water Resources, Coastal Zone Management and Territorial Planning, occupying positions of project coordinator, manager and director. Currently she is working as Manager of Environmental Planning, since January 2011, in Salvador / Bahia, in RENOVA ENERGIA SA, a company of renewable energy generation.



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How to Cite

Gravina Ogata, M. (2014). Participatory Water Management in Brazil: Legal, institutional and political aspects (1988 - 2008). Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (11), 93–104.