Case studies and legal proposals to the excercise of the legal authority in the schools
Conflict, school violence, scholastic coexistence, disciplineAbstract
There are numerous investigations related to school violence, most of them are about psychosocial and educational aspects. Nevertheless, there are not enough articles that tackle administrative and legal aspects. This article is part of a more extensive research, which begins with a revision of the legal framework, and in which the aspects which require more attention and the possible causes of non-compliance with the rules have been verified. The documentary analysis of the disciplinary reports and sanction files in a high school, show the existence of numerous errors in the procedure. When schools must adopt sanctioning measures it is important that the procedure is not invalidated or denounced in the courts of justice. A survey that was answered by the teachers revealed that they do not feel qualified perform this function. From the results obtained we suggest carrying out the adaptation of the school internal regulations in the course of its duties with the participation of all sectors of the educational community, and to make specific those aspects which made the education centre a coexistence place, optimizing the resources within the legislative framework. Finally, conclusions related to the necessity to facilitate the schools protocols of action and to address specific teacher training processes are offered.Downloads
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