Structural analysis strategies applied to assess Public Policies


  • Ignacio Ramos-Vidal Universidad de Sevilla



Coalitions, implementation, inter-organizational networks, program evaluation, Public policies, Social Network Analysis


Public Policies are embodied through programs implemented by different organizations. When several agencies are responsible for carrying out a program, this set of organizations may take the form of an inter-organizational network. Structural analysis make possible to assess this kind of structures so that the results of the evaluation has a positive impact on the outcomes of the initiative developed by the network. In this paper we present the potential of Social Network Analysis (SNA) to assess inter-organizational networks which develops intervention programs. To introduce the key elements to develop a structural evaluation, the paper is divided in four sections. First section is devoted to show antecedents in which inter-organizational network analysis is used to assess programs. In the second section we review the core points to design a structural analysis. The third focuses on expose different measures that can be used to assess inter-organizational networks. In the last section we reflect on the potential of SNA in the evaluation of public policies. Finally, emerging techniques which may improve the outcomes of the evaluation process are reviewed.


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Author Biography

Ignacio Ramos-Vidal, Universidad de Sevilla

Licenciado en Ciencias del Trabajo y Doctor en Psicología Social por la Universidad de Sevilla. Forma parte del equipo de investigación del Laboratorio de Redes Personales y Comunidades (HUM-059) y es miembro colaborador de FLACSO (España). Sus intereses de investigación se concentran en el estudio de procesos comunitarios y en el Análisis de Redes Sociales en contextos inter-organizativos. Algunas de sus contribuciones aparecen publicadas en las siguientes revistas: Psychosocial Intervention, TRACE: Travaux et recherches dans les Amériques du Centre, Empiria: Revista de Metodología en Ciencias Sociales, International Journal of Educational Development y Psicología Política.


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How to Cite

Ramos-Vidal, I. (2015). Structural analysis strategies applied to assess Public Policies. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (14), 55–71.