Applying juvenile extrajudicial mediation in adult crime
Young adult, probation, conciliation, redressAbstract
This report aims to determine whether it is feasible to apply in adults over eighteen years old techniques of judicial conflict resolution alternatives to the denial of freedom, which have been developed successfully in minors. The authors intend to develop a model to apply the technique in adult offenders. The methodology used was the study and comparison of the materials commonly accepted in the techniques of social research. The main results are: 1. Alternatives to imprisonment, successfully developed in minors/young people on probation, can be applied to adult offenders. 2. It can be achieved the psychological satisfaction of the victim by the offender, and, moreover, it is feasible to add to this purpose marked by the Law a second fundamental objective in order to understand the mediation process: the solution of the conflict. The report concludes that the application of the cognitive behavioral model to less serious adult offenders provides a stable resource, enabler of redress, preventing recidivism and commission of new crimes through a process of educational awareness and responsibility assumption.Downloads
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