The influence of the URBANA 2007-2013 Initiative on the development of the Institutional Capacity of Local Administration
Urban Development, European Urban Policy, Urbana Programme 2007-2013, Institutional Capacity Building, Management ModelAbstract
For years, the European Union has placed special emphasis on the promotion of the institutional capacity of administrations that, through various financing instruments, promote local and urban development programs. So far there are few works aimed at the analysis of institutional capacity among Spanish local administrations as a result of these initiatives. This work is intended to study the promotion of this capacity in Spanish cities that have implemented urban development programs, more precisely, the URBAN 2007-2013 initiative. Through the administration of a questionnaire among Spanish municipalities, the aim is to analyse the extent to which the institutional capacity has been developed, as well as the relationship between its level of development and other elements of the local context, such as the previous experience accumulated in similar programs and the management model within which the program is implemented, elements that will be revealed key factors in the degree of development of institutional capacity.
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