New Governance Mechanisms Contributing to the Integration of National Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policies in the Brazilian Amazon




Sustainable Development Pathways, Climate Governance, Deforestation-Free Commitments, Policy Instruments, Green Municipalities Program


Research in the field of Global Environmental Governance (GEG) pays considerable attention to the emergence of New Governance Mechanisms (NGM). NGM poses profound challenges to governments and institutions in the Developed and Developing world alike, corresponding to new ways of participation. This article seeks to contribute to the debates on NGM by analyzing a municipal-level environmental governance scheme based on deforestation-free commitments emerged in 2011, in Brazil, that has successfully helped to reduce deforestation in the participant municipalities; the Programa Municípios Verdes (PMV). We also shed some lights on the risks represented by promises of changes in federal environmental legislation by the newly elected government of Brazil. It is secondary research based on official data analysis that provided a cost-effective way of gaining a broad understanding of the integration of multi-level climate change mitigation and adaptation policies as well as a report of the governance of policy instruments in local governance schemes. Methodologically we rely on the method of content analysis, based on the study of the PMV Statistical Database, that gives visibility to a broad range of environmental, social, and territorial data and information for the 144 municipalities of the Pará State, through six different types of official reports.


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Author Biography

Carlos Germano Ferreira Costa, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Innovación y Comunicaciones (MCTIC) (Brasil)

Ph.D. in Environment and International Development (Conflicts and Environmental Governance) by the Federal University of Ceará, with a post-doctorate in Agricultural and Environmental Risk Management, in the mixed center - Ceigram/itdUPM - of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Currently working for the MCTIC (Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Brazil), as a Technical Consultant Fourth National Communication of Brazil to the UNFCCC. His research and teaching work is linked to disaster risk reduction and management, environmental and territorial governance, and environmental analysis.


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How to Cite

Ferreira Costa, C. G. (2020). New Governance Mechanisms Contributing to the Integration of National Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policies in the Brazilian Amazon. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (23), 135–151.