Defining wicked problems for public policy: The case of Mexico’s disappearances




Wicked problems, public policy, problem definition, public administration, disappearances


Wicked problem literature is increasingly popular, but empirical studies about its relation to public policy are scarce. Additionally, there is no consensus on the convenience of Public Administration as policy makers addressing wicked problems by artificially defining and structuring them. The purpose of the paper is to address these gaps, specifically how, in practice, governments handle wicked problems. Two possible alternatives are discussed: either policy makers are rational, or rather they use heuristics for problem definition. The research focuses on problem definition as part of the policy process. In particular, how the definition of the particular wicked problematic situation was reflected in legislation: disappearances in Mexico. The case shows that forced disappearances is an heterogeneous phenomenon that can be considered a wicked problem, which further increases the complexity of policies that aim to tackle it. Also, results of applying congruence tests show that policy-makers structure wicked problems when defining them, but after a certain amount of energy has been spent on this task, policy makers employ heuristic devices. This contributes to understand how flesh and bone decision-makers build public policies.


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Author Biography

Monica Naime, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, CIDE (México)

PhD candidate at CIDE, and visiting researcher fellow at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory of the University of Bergen, Norway. Master in International law by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland. Lawyer and internationalist, she has taught at UNAM and at ITAM, Mexico. Her research topics include policy, organizational coordination and critical approaches to law.


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How to Cite

Naime, M. (2020). Defining wicked problems for public policy: The case of Mexico’s disappearances. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (23), 64–80.