Administration and State in the post Covid-19 context: Towards a new type of bond?


  • Josep Pont Vidal Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)



Public administration, covit-19, contingency, risk, State


The post Covid-19 pandemic has had profound impacts on all societies. The State and the Administration have not been left out but are in an environment characterized by dynamic changes and contingent. The changes initiated a few years before on the function and extension of the State have been accentuated, and the administrations will have to adapt to very unstable conditions: changes in the economy and political actors, rapid reformulation of methods, new demands, relationship with the society. Two central questions appear in this scenario. The first one is descriptive in nature, about the transformation of the State and the Public Administration in an insecure, complex and contingent environment. In the second of a methodological-conceptual nature, there is a need to seek and apply concepts and logics capable of interdisciplinary dialogue and with sufficient suitability and sophistication to describe this complexity.


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Author Biography

Josep Pont Vidal, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Licenciado en Sociología política (Universitat Bielefeld, Alemania), Master en Sociología (Bielefeld), doctorado en Sociología Política (Universidad de Barcelona, 1997). Profesor titular e investigador del Núcleo de Altos Estudios Amazónicos (NAEA-UFPA). Experiencia como profesor visitante en varias universidades Latino-americanas (Nicaragua, Colombia, el Colegio de Jalisco, México), brasileiras (UECE; UFBA; PUC-SP; UNESP; UFES, Fundação Getúlio Vargas) y europeas. Experiencia y actuación en el área de Políticas Públicas y Gobernanza con trabajos en la Administración Publica desarrollados en el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID – Washington), Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Instituto de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Social e Ambiental do Pará (IDESP), y Instituto de Pesquisas Aplicadas (IPEA) (Brasilia). Actuación en las áreas de Teoría de las organizaciones, Administración y Gestión pública, Políticas Públicas. Coordinador del Programa de Pos-graduación del Master en Gestión Pública para el Desarrollo (2012-2014).


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How to Cite

Pont Vidal, J. (2021). Administration and State in the post Covid-19 context: Towards a new type of bond?. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (26), 33–47.