Criteria for environmental policies evaluation: a reference for evaluating the Kyoto Protocol accomplishment


  • Victoriano Sierra Ludwig



Public policies, environmental protection, Kyoto Protocol, sustainable development, environmental evaluation


The EU’s failure to execute the Kyoto Protocol commitments opens a great number of questions about the coordination of the different regulatory frames of the Member states in terms of environmental policy. This paper analyzes the costs and benefits of the Eu’s environmental policies and principles, and studies the instruments it has in order to carry out a combined assessment of the progress in this field. Also, the author proposes the necessity of overcoming the conventional measuring standards, in favour of others in which both the economic and the social dimensions are not excluded from the main aim of «sustainable development».


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How to Cite

Sierra Ludwig, V. (2004). Criteria for environmental policies evaluation: a reference for evaluating the Kyoto Protocol accomplishment. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (28-29), 41–67.