EU Governance capacity for responding to economic crisis through evaluation and prevention of future labor market needs


  • Francisco González-Blanch



Stability Governance Integrated Guidelines, renewed Lisbon Strategy and Growth Pact, employability, flexicurity, Models of Social Welfare, European Social Fund, impact assessment, partnership approach, OMC (CMO), the European Social Model Plan


Economic governance has become a priority in Community policies and more today, before the crisis, which confers a unique unpredictability of the future of the European economy. Examination of the crisis has highlighted several weaknesses in the governance of the European Social Model. The various policy instruments of governance in ESM (directives, Integrated Guidelines, OMC, social dialogue, mutual learning and community programs) should be reviewed to make them relevant in the current situation. The capacity of the EU and its MMSS to foresee, anticipate and match the required skills and the needs of the labour market is a sine qua non in developing effective policies in employment, education and training and the optimal personal career choices. The evaluation can provide useful tools for developing of EU governance capacity. In this article we examine the existing capacities within the EU to achieve an appropriate strategy for cooperation between MS in order to meet current needs of labour market.


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Author Biography

Francisco González-Blanch

Doctor en Ciencias en Cienciaseconómicas y Empresariales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y ProfesorTitular de Economía Aplicada de dicha Universidad. Funcionario de CuerpoTécnico de Administradores Civiles del Estado y Administrador Principal en laDirección General de Empleo de la Comisión Europea. Autor de diversos trabajosy publicaciones sobre temas económicos relacionados con la Unión Europea. Hasido Profesor Visitante en el Instituto de Estudios Europeos (Florencia). Actualmente trabaja en laUnidad del Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) para España, en temas de programación yevaluación de los Fondos Estructurales, campo éste en el que se centran suslíneas esenciales de investigación y publicaciones científicas.


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How to Cite

González-Blanch, F. (2010). EU Governance capacity for responding to economic crisis through evaluation and prevention of future labor market needs. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (4), 79–100.