Using Evaluation for European Management and Governance
EU evaluation, management by results, Governance, uncertainty, use of evaluationAbstract
There is no doubt about the potential of evaluation for decision making. Yet, it is not clear what the real evaluation information use is. Its relevance depends on the relation of evaluation approach to the decision making model and their coherence with their context. In 1996, EU evaluation was first oriented towards efficient expenditure management. Years later, the European Governance acknowledged evaluation as a main instrument for transparency, participation, coherence, accountability and effectiveness of EU policy making. EG was justified not only to cover the democratic deficit but also a coordination deficit. Furthermore, an evaluation deficit has been identified due to the weak development of an evaluation approach able to tackle the complexity of the European context. The relevance of evaluation and its use in the EU would increase significantly if evaluation efforts were reallocated towards a decision model coherent with complexity.Downloads
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