The Use of Evaluation in a Multi-Actor Context: The Case of the Rural Development Plan in The Basque Country (Within the European Framework)
Use of evaluation, evaluation process, evaluation culture, participatory evaluation, European Rural Development Policy, GovernanceAbstract
This paper analyses the use of the evaluation results and the process carried out in the evaluation of a rural development evaluation programme focused in a participatory evaluation model. To do this, it is used the experience of the mid-term evaluation of the Sustainable Rural Development Plan 2000-2006 in the Basque Country. The core premise of the evaluation team was that stakeholder participation would enhance evaluation use, promoting its utilisation in the decision making process in future policies. The paper is structured into two main parts: The first one describes the adequacy of the participatory evaluation model to the interest and purposes of our evaluation. The second part examines the impact of this evaluation model on the evaluation utilisation. This assessment has given us the opportunity to draw lessons that can help to improve the utility of evaluation in multi - actor contexts, favouring thus the development of governance.Downloads
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