The Joint Management in France


  • Eguzki Urteaga



Joint management, social agents, social protection, France


The joint management constitutes a device that associates the employer and trade union representatives to assure jointly a mission of general interest in the labour world. He knows an important development in the institutions of social protection that are started from the postwar period. The joint management is a product of the contractual practice and of the decisions of the political power that illustrates the paradoxical institutionalization of the French system of labour relations. It is a question of a procedure that tries to structure, across the combination of different and organized interests, the relation between capital and work to associate the representation and the production of collective goods or to establish rules in the attainment of the general interest. Because of the historical presence of the State in the management of the social Safety and his increasing intervention in the UNEDIC, certain observers consider that it is increasingly an illusory joint management.


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Author Biography

Eguzki Urteaga

Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad Victor Segalen Burdeos 2 y Licenciado en Historia (Mención Geografía) por la Universidad de Pau (Francia). Profesor de Sociología de la Universidad del País Vasco e Investigador del Centro de Investigación IKER, asociado al CNR francés. Colabora como director de colección en la editorial parisina Mare et Martin. Autor de 24 libros y más de un centenar de artículos en medios universitarios de diversos países, entre sus publicaciones cabe reseñar el libro La cooperation transfrontalière en Pays Basque (París: L´Harmattan, 2007).


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How to Cite

Urteaga, E. (2011). The Joint Management in France. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (5), 61–78.