Effectiveness of political measures and international crime rates: The case of the Republic of Ecuador





Political efficiency, social actors, citizenship, political measures, political participation


Nowadays, scientific and reliable indexes are lacking for showing the efficiency of current governments. These indexes should guide our attitudes and behaviors of political participation, instead of the vague references and the incomplete cognitive processes that currently do it. The present work means the implementation of a more global initiative of scientific analysis of political measures. An analysis of crime indices has been carried out over time. It has been taken into account the application of political measures, which helps to explain the variations of these indices. The study design is quasi-experimental (with comparison of the aforementioned indices over the years) and correlational (of these indices with indices of wealth, inequality or international crime, among others). In the case of the Republic of Ecuador and for the crime rates studied, it can be affirmed that the government’s policy measures during the period 2010-2016 were effective.


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Author Biographies

Jose Luis Vilchez Tornero, Universidad de Granada (España)

PhD en Psicología experimental y Neurociencia del Comportamiento, Máster en Neurociencia cognitiva y del Comportamiento y Licenciado en Psicología. Actualmente es Profesor Titular de Universidad e imparte las asignaturas de Psicología del Aprendizaje, Historia de la Psicología y Psicología fisiológica.

Román Mauricio Buñay Andrade, Empresa Eléctrica de Limón (Ecuador)

Máster en Energías Renovables y Licenciado en Ingeniería Eléctrica. Docente universitario y Administrador de la Empresa Eléctrica de Limón.


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How to Cite

Vilchez Tornero, J. L., & Buñay Andrade, R. M. (2020). Effectiveness of political measures and international crime rates: The case of the Republic of Ecuador. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (23), 152–166. https://doi.org/10.24965/gapp.i23.10754