Issue prioritization in regional legislative agendas: institutions and political preferences
Legislative agendas, issue prioritization, regional governments, europeanization, political preferencesAbstract
This article analyzes the legislative agenda of four regional governments – Andalusia, Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque Country– from 1982 to 2007. The goal is to explain to what extent changes in the prioritization of issues are related to institutional factors, such as changes in the distribution of competences and Europeanization, or political factors, like party preferences. The analysis illustrates that from the early nineties regional governments are increasingly paying attention to different issues, and that this process can not only be explained by taking into account the formal distribution of competences between central and regional governments. The delegation of power to the European Union does not contribute either to an increasing convergence of regional legislative agendas, not even for those issues more Europeanized. The institutional context constrains government’s capacity to regulate specific issues, but party preferences are important to understand why there are similarities or differences among regional agendas.
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